Life Is Better Connected
We believe that to grow spiritually, you must be connected relationally. The 1st Century Church met by the thousands, but followed Jesus' teaching and example of community through living life together by the dozen meeting in homes. Connect Groups are the driving force behind discipleship and community at Centerpoint—they are where you will be known by name. This is what keeps our church community intimate and organic, no matter how large our Sunday gatherings may grow. All you have to do is show up, join in, and be real.
Why are Connect Groups Important?
Connect Groups provide an environment for us to intentionally grow in our relationship with God while connecting with other believers. Connect Groups allow us to more effectively share the good news of Jesus Christ by reaching our communities together. At Centerpoint, we call this “living UP, IN, and OUT.”
Connect Group Childcare Reimbursement
If your Connect Group incurs any expenses to provide childcare during your gatherings, we'd like to reimburse you for that cost! To fill out a request, please click the button below.